Surfing Was Invented in Peru

Surfing Was Invented in Peru and so was Liquid Shredder

Surfing Was Invented in Peru Chicama Peru Point Break
VIDEO: Surfing Chicama Peru Adventure!

Surfing Was Invented in Peru and can be traced back in time over 3000 years to the Pacific Ocean coast of South America. Ancient pottery depicts Native Americans riding waves on “boards” made of hollow tubed totora reeds bundled into a watercraft.  The first record of wave riding “surfing” outside of Peru is less than 250 years ago, documented by Captain Cook in 1778.  It is generally accepted that Polynesians rode waves before Cook “discovered” it but there are no records prior to his voyage to Hawaii.  During World War II US Military personnel were introduced to wave riding while stationed in Hawaii. Surfing quickly became a symbol of the laid back, tropical Hawaiian island’s lifestyle. Once it was discovered by the western world, surfing rapidly spread around the globe.  Soon it could be found on almost any beach location with decent, surfable waves.  Surfing is a perfect workout for the body and also “Zen”, a chance to relax, commune with Mother Ocean and Her inhabitants while clearing and soothing your mind and soul.   Original Liquid Shredder surfboards were brought from Peru, the mother country of surfing, in 1999 by the Founder of our company, Soft Surfboards.

Inca surfing was documented in 1590 by Jesuit missionary José de Acosta in his Historia natural y moral de las Indias, writing:[4]

“It is true to see them go fishing in Callao de Lima, was for me a thing of great recreation, because there were many and each one in a balsilla caballero, or sitting stubbornly cutting the waves of the sea, which is rough where they fish, they looked like the Tritons, or Neptunes, who paint upon the water.”

Liquid Shredder will help you find the perfect surfboard

At Soft Surfboards, our mission and passion are to promote the rich culture and history of surfing. From its ancient origins on the Pacific Coast of Peru to the modern beaches and high tech wave machines of today, Liquid Shredder defines the surfing lifestyle.  The entire family team at Liquid Shredder strives to provide the finest quality wave riding vehicles from Surfboards to bodyboards and stand up paddle boards.  Our board riding line of products will get you outside, onto the beach and into a special and unique natural world known as the Surf Life.

Liquid Shredder Surfboards come in many shapes and sizes.  Each of these has its characteristics which define its best use.  This is why it is imperative to select a surfboard that will match your skill level and expectations.   If you are just starting out on your endless summer journey as a surfing beginner, we recommend you read our Beginner Surfboard Buyers Guide  This short guide to purchasing your first surfboard will help you make the right choice.  A little infomation goes a long way in choosing the best beginner surfboards.

Soft Surfboards:   Are the Original Liquid Shredder soft boards sometimes called soft top surfboards, softies, foamie surfing boards, foamy surfboards or foam surfboards, these boards are extremely affordable, without sacrificing quality. Loved by all experience levels, soft top surfboards are a blast to ride and perfect for beginners.

Longboard Surfboards:   Bigger is easier, especially in small surf conditions.  Longboard surfboards are the perfect surfboard for a beginner.  Wide and stable, these boards are very user friendly and are the choice of surf schools worldwide.

Fish Surfboards:  Often called swallow-tail surfboards this style is defined by its fish-like tail.  Generally from 5-feet to just over 6-feet, Fish surfboards are wider, the entire length, than short board surfboards.  The Fish surfboards are perfect on smaller waves and for those to start carving on some of the larger surf.  The width of a fish is more stable than the same length shortboard surfboards, so easier to ride for a lightweight beginner.  Plus they really rip on larger wave once you get your surf legs under you.

Funshape Surfboards:  These surfboards range from about 7-feet to just under 9-feet long.  Funshapes are versatile and great for most conditions. As the name implies, they are FUN and the perfect transition between a short board, fish and longboard surfboards.

Short Board Surfboards: The most advanced, performance shape surfboards.  Generally thin, narrow and pointy.  Mostly for very advanced surfers.  There are some nice Soft Surfboards with the shortboard shape design, but these beginner short boards are thicker, easier to ride for beginners

Every Liquid Shredder surfing board, from the basic beginner surfboards to advanced shapes, style, and model is designed by our International Design Teams using over 200 years of combined board building experience.   Liquid Shredder has perfected surfboard design and construction techniques to provide a vastly superior board and at an affordable price. Check out our huge selection of shapes and materials to find the perfect fit for your surfing needs.

Join the Liquid Shredder Revolution…Start Shreddin’ TODAY!

Links to supporting Information:

History of Surfing in Peru

History of Surfing on the Totora