What Is Affiliate Marketing

affiliate marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing? Beginners Guide to Affiliate Programs.

The Dream: Make Money While You Surf, SUP, Sleep or Socialize. You can do it through our Affiliate Marketing Partnerships and Share the Stoke of Liquid Shredder via our affiliate marketing programs!  Its simple affiliate marketing for beginners:  APPLY NOW! Affiliate marketing for beginners is easy, if you have a business website, it does NOT have to be eCommerce enabled, you can participate in the highly successful Liquid Shredder Surf and Stand Up Paddleboards affiliate program.  Over the past few years, affiliate programs have grown in popularity, taking many forms. We’ll show you how to start affiliate marketing with Liquid Shredder.

Factually, most Web sites that don’t deal much in online eCommerce Sales (selling products) themselves are a great match for Affiliate Programs. Functioning as an affiliate is a perfect way to participate in the e-Commerce Mega Boom.  You can Profit from your company’s web presence without the costs of an expensive eCommerce website and overpriced “geek” programmers.

Affiliate marketing is Revenue Sharing for promoting Liquid Shredder products. When someone buys through your affiliate link, you get a commission.  It is really just that simple!

As an affiliate, you become a salesperson for Liquid Shredder.   You help us make a sale, and we reward you with a commission payment.

As Brick and Mortar Retailing have devolved and the Covid-19 global pandemic drives online sales through the Stratosphere, the Dream of Money for Nothing can become Your Reality.

Quarantines, shutdowns, and simple fear have driven the Global Consumer to their PC or Mobile device, crushing many of the small Home Town retailers.  Mega retail websites like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay have gobbled up huge pieces of the pie.  This leaves the local retailer holding crumbs or even an empty pie plate.  Affiliate Programs can slice your business a piece of the online sales pie.

Realize the Dream with Liquid Shredder Affiliate Marketing!

Liquid Shredder has a 20+ year track record of success in the watersports industry. So, you can be confident in our level of product quality and customer support.  We do the heavy lifting and you realize profits via an affiliate link on your website.  All you need to do is sign up for our associate programs and add a coded banner or button to your website.  You cand sell Surfboards, Stand Up Paddleboards, Bodyboards, Skimboards, a full line of Liquid Shredder watersports products.

Buy Local?

Liquid Shredder’s decades of relationships with local surf shops, rental outfitters, SUP touring and surf camps validate our commitment to support your watersports business.  Buy Local, defines the heart of the Liquid Shredder concept.  Your company’s goodwill and neighborly presence, within your market area, have value.  Liquid Shredder will pay you for it.  Our affiliate sales program allows you to sell to your local customers, without the hassles or costs of buying the boards.  You never have to stock, display, or store the product. Eazy Peazy….

How Can I Better Serve My Customers?

You just need to ask yourself, “How can I better serve my loyal customers?” This is the affiliate marketing secret: become the connection between the customer base you’ve built and the watersports products they need. You can supplement your income, and potentially even make a full-time business from your recommendations. Just ask yourself, “How can I better serve my loyal customers?” your answers will be better than ours.

Point of Sale via Affiliate Program

Surfboards and Stand Up Paddleboards are expensive to stock, big, and take up floor space that could be used for higher profit smaller products.  If you have a customer looking for a SUP or surfboard and you don’t have the size, color style, or the price they want…go to your website in your store.  Click the Liquid Shredder affiliate marketing programs link, walk them through to the product they need and let them pay for it and enter their ship-to address.  You just sold it without buying, stocking, or paying for it.  In fact, you’ll never even see or touch the surfboard or SUP…yet you make a profit.

Cookies, Cookies, Cookies!

The heart of our Affiliate Technolgy is Cookies.  When a customer clicks the link from your page to ours, it deposits a “Cookie” on their device.  This guarantees, if they make a purchase within the next 15 days, you get paid your commission.  This technology makes affiliate marketing for beginners as simple as pie.

Boost Your Sales on Mobile Devices

In your store, hanging out on the beach, or at a paddling event, anywhere, you can cash in with affiliate marketing programs. It is simple to get the potential buyer to go to your website, on their phone, and click your Liquid Shredder affiliate link. Then Magic Cookie will do the rest.  This is highly successful in stores but we’ve seen Surf Camps and SUP Tours/Lesson cash in big with this technique outdoors.If they buy within 60 days, you get the Money for Nuthin’.

OK…You Got Me At Money for Nothing…Now What?

The first set is to read over the details of Liquid Shredder Affiliate Marketing and apply by filling out a Simple Sign Up Form Once you read the basic terms agreement and submit the form we’ll look over your website, make sure we’re a good fit, then approve your site.  All you do is copy and paste as many Banner links as you want on your site.  Then, the money rolls in.